Today’s consumers are becoming even more demanding and aware of what they like and want to buy. Abundance of de facto anonymous products displayed on the counter space, makes the decision process into a lottery.
The customer would like to consider the brand while shopping, but there is no such possibility. The opinion forming body is most often the seller who bases his advice on own experience and preference. BrandNet® lets the product speak for itself. There is no middle man.
Kabanospol is another client who has implemented our netting with label. This choice was influenced by the company's willingness to change, and in depth analysis of the factors determining the growth of sales. Because a consumer should know, from where to choose. Especially that the Kabanospol brand implies the highest quality of cured meat.
BrandNet® creates a context. It is the focal point around which the system of connotations is growing. It gives the customer the opportunity to make a decision and thus allow them to have a real influence on what they are buying. This is a classic win-win situation, where the winner is both the consumer and the producer.
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Using social media in the meat industry is a must!
In today's market reality, a significant part of the shopping process has moved to the Internet. Cus...
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